The Organic Debate


We’ve all heard it before.   Organic produce is better for you than non-organic produce, but is it true? Actually, yes organic produce is better for you. Studies have shown that pesticides and chemicals continue to linger on the surface of your fruits and veggies even after they have been washed. As an added bonus, organic produce is usually locally grown which gives us all the opportunity to support our local economy. Did you know that for a farmer to be certified organic it takes them  three years to earn that certification? That’s a lot of hard work, I am happy to support them in their efforts.

The problem that most people have when it comes to buying organic is that  it is so much more expensive than the non-organic version of the same food. Budgets are a reality in our economy and there are times when an organic label just isn’t worth the extra money. So how do you choose what to buy organic and what not to worry about as much? No fear, I have a list!

The 12 Fruit  & Veggies Most Contaminated by Chemicals  & Pesticides Are:

1. Apples

2. Bell Peppers

3. Celery

4. Cherries

5. Imported Grapes

6. Nectarines

7. Peaches

8. Pears

9. Potatoes

10. Raspberries

11. Spinach

12. Strawberries

These are the ones, that I feel, it is important to look for in the organic section of the produce department. Now, on the other hand, there are other fruits and veggies that the organic label doesn’t have quite the importance with. If you think about the skin or peel that each fruit or veggie comes in it makes a lot of sense that the ones with the thicker, tougher skins don’t get as contaminated by the pesticides used by the farmers.

The 12 Fruits & Veggies Least Contaminated by Chemical & Pesticides Are:

1. Asparagus

2. Avocados

3. Bananas

4. Broccoli

5. Cauliflower

6. Corn

7. Kiwis

8. Mangoes

9. Onions

10. Papaya

11. Pineapples

12. Sweet Peas

See what I mean? All of the fruits and veggies in the second list have thick or tough skins that in some cases (like bananas) aren’t even eaten. Hopefully this will help you solve your own organic debate. If you have any additional thoughts or tips on buying organic, I’d love to hear them! 🙂

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