Never Miss an Opportunity to Say I Love You


This week’s post is not fitness training in Sandy related. For those of you that are  disappointed, I apologize, but I’ll get back to that next week with more on fitness training in Sandy. Life has a way of throwing you into twists and turns that leave you feeling like your insides are all scrambled. That’s where I’m at today, and as such, I’m having a really hard time thinking about anything else. See, a friend of mine unexpectedly lost one of her daughters early this morning. It is a tragic loss and one that is felt in many, many, many hearts and effects many lives as well. My heart and deepest condolences go out to her, and her family, at this difficult time.

As a mother myself, thoughts have been racing through my mind all morning. I cannot, nor do I ever hope to, fully understand the immense pain and heartbreak she is undoubtedly  going  through. The mere thought of losing one of my own children puts me in tears and overprotective Mama Bear mode all at the same time, but to imagine actually dealing with and going through it, I just simply cannot.

I heard of her loss as soon as I woke up, and I’ve caught myself seeing through different eyes all morning. Usually, I pop my head into the boys room and energetically attempt to roust them for school, my goal usually being that they are awake, upright and laughing by the time I leave the room. This  morning however,  I found myself waking them one at a time; sitting on the edge of their bed, smiling as I watched their little sleeping faces, my  gratitude  and appreciation for the miracle that they each are, kissing their cheek and reminding them just how much I love them, before gently trying to wake them for the day. I found myself writing their names on their lunch sacks with a little extra care. I caught myself holding on longer than usual as my youngest son hugged me before we left to get them to school. I almost cried as I watched them walk into the school. I thanked God again for each one of my children and my opportunity to be their Mother all the way home and have continued to do so all morning.

In talking with my friend this morning, she said something that hit me immensely hard. It’s something that I already knew, that I’ve heard before and that I’m sure I’ll hear again…but today it hit me like a ton of bricks. She said, “People take people and relationships for granted. They wrongly assume that there will always be time for amends. Truthfully, that is promised to no one. Never miss an opportunity to say I love you.” She then went on to say how grateful she was that in her last conversation with her daughter she had taken that opportunity many times over.

As I’ve thought about her words, over and over, the thing that keeps coming to my mind is this: Take nothing for granted, life is too short to be filled with regret. Live each and every moment as though it may be your last, for it truly may be. Love each and every person in your life as fully and as wholly as you are able, for you may not get another opportunity. Take every opportunity to tell the people in your life how much they mean to you, what you admire about them, the good qualities you see in them, how much potential they have and whatever you do, NEVER miss an opportunity to say I Love You.


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