Personal Trainer, uniquely positioned over other personal trainers to help you lose weight.

Transformation Trainer


Maybe it’s the slightly warmer weather, or maybe it’s the fact that we made it through another week and have...

To Squat or Not to Squat?

To Squat or Not to Squat?

That is a good question. I say squat! Squats are one of the best exercises out there! They are a...

Easy Ways to Boost Daily Fiber

Easy Ways to Boost Daily Fiber

Fiber. It seems that every time you turn around, there’s a new product claiming to solve all your fiber woes....

Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate

Easter brings to my mind thoughts of baskets spilling over with colorful eggs, children full of excitement (and sugar) and...

A Closer Look at the hCG Diet

A Closer Look at the hCG Diet

Today we are talking about a topic I have had an unusually large amount of questions on recently, the hCG...

Metabolism and Energy Requirements

Metabolism and Energy Requirements

Okay, so we’ve been through  the energy balance scale and how to track calories in, today it is time to...

Food Journaling

Food Journaling

On Monday, we talked about energy balance and the importance of knowing whether you lean towards the positive or negative...

Energy Balance

Energy Balance

Okay, we have finished up all of our nutrition lessons and have discussed all of the nutrients, vitamins and minerals...

Nutrition Lesson #8-Nutrition Facts & Labels

Nutrition Lesson #8-Nutrition Facts & Labels

What is Nutrition? It is the science that links foods to health and disease. It includes the ingestion, digestion, absorption,...

The Importance of Stretching

The Importance of Stretching

I have this Utah personal training client who really doesn’t like to take the time to stretch. I have to...